
And just like that, another year went by! I don’t know about you but time is going a lot faster since I turned 25. Thinking back, I had an amazing year and obviously, I’m hoping this year will be better.

On NYE night I chugged twelve grapes at midnight thinking about my new years resolutions and hoping to “get fit” every other grape…but what are resolutions anyways? Resolutions are decisions to do or stop doing something. Hence, when we make our resolutions we are not making wishes (wouldn’t that be nice) but planning, and having a degree in dietetics trust me when I say I know a thing or two about planning. Sometimes I feel lucky with the things I’ve got in life, but the truth is that nothing has come free for me and I’ve worked my booty off. Yes, I do believe in destiny but I also believe that you have to be prepared when destiny comes your way.

So, from my goal setter inner-self, what we should be really wishing and mentally planning when making our resolutions for this New Year:

Don’t just wish to lose weight but plan to start a new workout routine, with so many options out there it is not hard to find something you love that adjusts to your budget. My absolute favorites are barre and kettlebells training.


Our intensa Brenda ain’t waiting for 2016

Don’t just wish to have more time but plan to make your life more organized. You’ve heard it “You have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce”…

Don’t just wish for health but plan to quit smoking or drink less alcohol, personally I want to consume less sugar and cook more wholesome foods.

Don’t just wish for a loving family but plan to make time for them, call your mom, take dad for lunch and be for your siblings the person you needed when you were younger.

Don’t just wish to travel more but plan to save a portion from your paycheck for a trip, research your options and buy your flights with time to get them cheaper (although some last minute, unplanned trips are amazing!)


Pam made it to Seoul, South Korea!

Don’t just wish for more money but plan a way to make more money. Switching jobs, freelancing on the side, going back to school to advance in your career…filling out surveys online, you name it! We’re in America, the harder you work, the luckier you get.

Don’t just wish for a more fulfilling job but plan to start doing something to get you closer to your dream job. Maybe you love working out, why not start getting certified to be an instructor? You want to be a writer, why not start a blog?

Don’t just wish for love but plan to wake up everyday trusting that you are in the place you are supposed to be even if you don’t understand it quite well, plan to practice patience, and plan to give love in random acts of kindness every day and love will eventually come your way (so they say, so I hope). 

Don’t just wish to be happy but plan to do things that make you happy: pedicures, walks on the beach, dancing, ice-cream cones, make some time for that. 

And most importantly, don’t just welcome the New Year but plan to LET GO of the last one.

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2016, let’s do this!!
